Kid Cupcakes (part 3): Owl Cupcakes

owl cupcakes (to announce gigi!)

owl cupcakes (to announce gigi!)

So it was around Valentine’s Day almost two years ago and I was finally ready to make the big reveal that I was pregnant with GiGi. We like cutesy treats at work so I thought cupcakes would be perfect to mark the occasion.
Owls have been all the rage with kid stuff for some time now so I went with a “Guess Whoooo’s Expecting” theme and made owl cupcakes! Super easy. Here’s how.
Supplies needed:
  • a package of Oreo cookies
  • a bag of Reese’s Pieces
  • chocolate frosting
  • a cake mix and supplies
  • a pastry bag and small star tip

Bake, cool and frost the cupcakes with chocolate frosting.

Separate the two sides of the Oreos, trying to keep the white frosting intact on one side. Place two open-face Oreos side by side on the frosted cupcake. Use some more frosting to “glue” two brown Reese’s as pupils. Use an orange Reese’s on its side for the beak. Pipe a stripe above the Oreos to make bushy eyebrows.
That’s it!
If you don’t have a pastry bag, you could keep it simple with a plastic storage bag and skip using a tip… but really, cake decorating tips only cost $1-3 each. I buy disposable pastry bags for about $6 for a dozen. Once you start piping frosting on your cupcakes, you’ll wonder what you ever did before! Make the investment.

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